Book Summary
The key to unlock this mystery is revealed here as a distinctive individual child framework and comprehensive practical guidance, a ‘technology”, for conducting scientific education in an objective, reliable manner that was never possible before.
Using this framework and technology, anyone can now create the unique “true natural” reality, committed to laws of nature, that allows the true nature of the child to emerge of itself, just like a seed growing in good soil. And ultimately, this type of scientific teaching with children will therefore bring about a whole new “true natural” humanity as a stable and enduring reality in the world.
In substance, the Technology consists of 10 techniques, 20 protocols, 3 lesson presentations, and a number of “safe words”. In this text, these powerful, practical tools for scientific teaching are presented in a clear, readable manner that anyone can understand and start using right away in practice with children. The text also includes many practical examples for the reader to work out and then compare with a model solution.
Viewed within the lens of a unique “individual child framework”, parents, teachers, and other educators will easily see the value of this technology to bring about amazing, positive results with young children.
Practitioners and others acquainted with the “Montessori Method” will especially appreciate the clarity it brings to the writings and ideas of Dr. Montessori on the subject of this well-known approach to the care and education of young children.